Monday, April 11, 2011

Flying Peeps

Observing the chicks over the past six days, I thought it was going to be Ginger who would give me problems with attempting flight. She spends a good deal  of her time with her neck stretched to its fullest, eyes raised toward the ceiling. I was certain that she was going to figure out a way to leap over the side of the brooder. However, yesterday, when I was cleaning house, it was little Miss Peeps who launched herself over the side of the little box I place the chicks in while I change the bedding in the brooder. I managed to catch her before she went over the edge completely. I'm not sure who was more or the chick! A few minutes later when I had the three of them safely back into their home, I watched as.... no kidding...Miss Peeps literally hunkered down and then leaped with all her little strength, trying to lift herself into the stratosphere. As adorable as the action was, it makes me more than a little nervous about this chick's intentions. I will certainly have to keep an eye her.

Overall the girls seem to be doing well. I raised the heat lamp today to begin to lower the heat. I read that the temperature should be reduced by 5 degrees each week to get the chicks ready to adjust to living outdoors. We did get the coop assembled yesterday, and will move it out to the back yard next weekend. Once there we need to put the roof on and then stake out the area that will be their run when we are outside with them. Due to the number of predators in this area, I will always need to make sure they are locked up tight every night. Here's what our coop looks like.

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